這首應該算是一首情歌,一對年輕的同居情侶,在世紀末的呢喃。據說當時主唱Damon和女友Justine Frischmann的公寓剛遭遇了了蟻災。所以就有了這首歌的靈感。 Blur - End of a century She says there's ants in the carpet 她說地毯裡有螞蟻 Dirty little monsters 骯髒的小怪獸 Eating all the morsels 吃光了所有快樂 Picking up the rubbish 把這些無聊的想法收起來 Give her effervescence 給她點愉悅吧 She needs a little sparkle 她需要點火花 Good morning TV 電視,早安 You're looking so healthy 妳看起來真健康 We all say , don't want to be alone 我們都說,不想孤單一個人 We wear the same clothes cos we feel the same 我們穿一樣的衣服,感覺也一樣 And kiss with dry lips when we say goodnight 說晚安的時候,用乾裂的嘴唇親吻 End of a century 世紀之末 Oh, it's nothing special 喔,沒什麼特別 Sex on the TV 電視上的性愛 Everybody's at it 每個人都在搞這套 And the mind gets dirty 當你越來越接近三十歲 As you get closer to thirty 你的心就越來越骯髒 He gives her a cuddle 他擁抱了她一下 Glowing in a huddle 在一團亂糟糟裡放著光芒 Good night TV 晚安,電視 You're all made up 你們都是修飾過的 And you're looking like me 你看起來像我 We all say , don't want to be alone 我們都說,不想孤單單的一個人 We wear the same clothes