

目前顯示的是 4月, 2009的文章

[音樂] U.N.P.O.C - Here on my own

來自蘇格蘭樂團的U.N.P.O.C,相信許多人認識這個樂團都是來自屋頂上流浪Hallam Foe這部電影而來,我覺得這首歌詞跟電影搭配的也相當好,還有那種帶點迷幻滄桑的曲調,刷破吉他的旋律,強而有力的歌詞,讓我可以Repeat一整晚都不會膩! Here on my own They said I would never remember, They said I would never remember, That street back in December, I'm falling, falling, falling, falling. Now he's gone he will always remain, Now he's gone he will always remain, Now he's gone he will always remain, It's the future, future, future, future. I'm here on my own. I'm here on my own. I'm here on my own. I'm here on my own. Have you seen such a mixed up mind, Have you seen such a mixed up mind, Have you seen such a mixed up mind, And the candles burning, burning, burning. Some would cry as they sang along, Some would cry as they sang along, Some would cry as they sang along, It's the future, future, future, future. I'm here on my own. I'm here on my own. I'm here on my own. I'm here on my own. Now he has fallen, he's fallen away. He's fallen awa

[live] Oasis @ Taipei 2009

期待已久的英國天團Oasis終於順利來台啦!為了搶到目標前十排+前一千名。我和戰友們前一天就去排隊,我們很幸運沒有遇到什麼鳥事,總之皇天不負苦心人,大家就站在A區第二、三排左邊靠中,一齊奮鬥的戰友們,辛苦了! 這次演唱會特別的地方就是,竟然有暖場團這種東西,還是我很喜歡的台灣樂團1976,對1976意義重大的 態度 這首歌當時也表演了,在那邊大唱態度應該是一件很爽的事吧! 但這次PA問題出很大,從暖場團1976到Oasis一路壞到尾,雖然A區人反應大致上都蠻不錯,但我的位置除了看Liam超清楚視野很棒之外,唯一的缺點是聽的非~常不清楚,Vocal的聲音悶悶的(就像上面我拍的影片一樣),Liam在開場前幾首,就一直對著PA在比手畫腳,有時候也可以看見他幾乎是在吼唱,Mic很明顯也有問題,都已經這麼糟糕了,而我身旁隔壁愛搶拍的仁兄,非常自我陶醉的大聲吼唱尖叫嗚呼呼,雖然人人都知道oasis演唱會大合唱是必備,但有時我還是忍住了,畢竟是花錢聽表演不是來唱ktv的阿.....。 --以下是正經感性的感想文-- 看完1976之後,倒數20:00的時刻真夠漫長,因為沒水喝也沒食物只好閉目養神儲備體力。但全場燈光一暗下來的時候,Fuckin' In The Bushes和絢麗的藍光同時響起時,大家心中都明瞭,期待時刻終於來臨! 吉他手Gem Archer、貝斯手Andy Bell (formerly of Ride )、鼓手 Chris以及現場keyboard手Jay Darlington(formerly of Kula Shaker ),大家各自向熟悉位置站定,而主唱Liam一出場就開始丟起礦泉水、鈴鼓。 Liam丟爽之後就站在正中央高傲的環視每個人群,接著頭子Noel開始刷起吉他,Rock'n' Roll Star的夜晚就此揭幕!